Another entry (& last) for the War theme sketch contest. It was real fun and really pushed myself even further by experimenting w/ technique & color. But need to admit, this piece turned out too busy.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
So more experimenting w/color. I've been reading Ash Wood's ZvR comic & the coloring in it is so simple & inspiring! And thought of trying it on this piece. hmm, not so bad.
Just starting to experiment more w/Photoshop. I was always fond of the sketchy look. It just gives it life. Anyway, this is my first "out of the comfort zone" piece. I think it turned out pretty well. I'll keep going with this and somehow perfect this style I'm developing. hmmm. :)
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Another sketch for the War theme contest. :)
Thursday, July 16, 2009
A version of mine for DYI Bambaboss. Did this in Photoshop. I will be getting the Bamba soon from 3A toys. Still figuring how I should paint it. hmmm...
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Just made these for a friend. She's starting her own site and needed some twitter logos. She has some great ideas! Her website's not up yet but will use these once it's up. Good luck CZ!!
Made another entry for the War sketch contest. I believe it's crazier than the last. I just thought, it would be cool to have some kind of spider war vehicle of some sort.
I just placed another entry in the this month's sketch contest: war! It was fun drawing this piece. I may draw more. I just have to draw something crazier than this, though.
Recently I have opened a T-Shirt shop in Cool place to sell your design on a shirt. They're called the OBBs (Ooga Booga Boogas) and they have fun by scaring others! Anyway, here are the ones I made and are up in these links: for Mac the Mummy